20.5% population of Bangladesh is living in below poverty line. Govt. of Bangladesh has taken various projects and activities to reduce the percentage and fulfill the commitment of the SDG target. Govt. also involve NGOs with the vision. Bangladesh NGO Foundation also has taken different kinds of income-generating activities to uplift the poverty level of people. In its continuity STEP is implementing a goat rearing program in Saturia Upazila of Manikganj district. We hope that 25 below poverty level family will able to uplift their condition and free from poverty.  We will provide 2 goat for every selected family. Female member of the families will be the beneficiary of our goat rearing program. Hope this program will help the family free from poverty and also help the women to empowerment

Digital Bangladesh is our dream. Our honorable Prim minister also dreamed for a digital Bangladesh. Now students are learning computer educating form primary school. Curriculum has been developed for all level of education institute. However, a huge number of students who has passed form the primary and high school level earlier they have no or little knowledge about the subject. Therefore, to achieve the dream goal we have to educate that peoples who does not get any scope to learn computer education.  Government and non-govt. organization of Bangladesh has taken long time and short time education course for them. STEP also provided this kind of education since 2002 in our working. We are conducting 6 (six) month long basic computer scores in Manikganj district. At least four computers have arranged for the training. After the course, successful participants will get certificate. We hope this kind of activity will help to achieve the dream.